Category / Politics

Governor Walz signed the free school meals bill into law yesterday. People need help from their governments, and this is a great example of a program that will directly benefit not only our kids, but also parents who are struggling in our changing economy.

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I wrote an email to my congressional representative, Erik Paulsen, asking him to not support the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. I think congress should make improvements — and should have been doing so for years — instead of wasting time on repealing it. Below is the email I received in response (which I […]

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For the record
/ October 13, 2016 / Comments Off on For the record

For the record

Trump is an absurd candidate and has proven to be an epic disaster as the Republican nominee. I never thought he had a chance of winning the presidential election, but I was wrong about that. He has a chance. With less than a month to go, it looks like his self destruction will prevent the […]

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The canaries are singing

The following statements are true, but there are forces at work trying to convince us they are false. Human rights trump religious and national rights. The Earth’s climate is getting warmer, the change is outside of typical patterns we’ve measured in the past, and human activity is a significant contributing factor. Evolution is an accurate explanation […]

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To borrow from the SNL bit: Really? Not one of you sees the merits of this bill? Really Republicans? You all decided independently that THE BILL is bad for the country? Naw. They think that voting for Obama’s bill is bad for their careers. The Republican House leadership that led them to major defeat in […]

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Nobody knows if Obama’s stimulus bill will help the economy. The politicians that say that this part or that part will or won’t work are full of it. Our government has to try stuff. Most of it probably won’t work; but some of it might. Then we have to try more stuff. A laissez-faire approach […]

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Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America.    

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  Vanity Fair’s "Farewell To All That: An Oral History of the Bush Whitehouse" is a painful remembrance of all the crap Bush and Cheney put us through. There is very little here I hadn’t read or heard before, but absorbing it all again at one time is a bitter horse pill.

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Here is a list of the sites I’ve relied upon during this election season: The Atlantic and especially Andrew Sullivan Huffington Post Talking Points Wonkette The Jed Report RealClearPolitics Memeorandum Washington Post New York Times Wall Street Journal

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