Category / Website

Blogging for 15 years

I posted my first article on this blog 15 years ago today. Some other things that happened on the internet in 2003: Android was founded iTunes store opened for business LinkedIn launched CAN-SPAM became law Safari browser was released Valve introduced Steam WordPress was released The blog was originally on my old domain, which […]

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I’ve updated my site using a slightly altered Grid Focus WordPress Theme. I’ve been using Twitter more often, its a great tool for short posts and interesting links. This theme handles the Twitter posts well (see Shorties column). I’m using the Facelift Image Replacement (FLIR) plugin to create the Old English font for the site […]

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Here is a list of the sites I’ve relied upon during this election season: The Atlantic and especially Andrew Sullivan Huffington Post Talking Points Wonkette The Jed Report RealClearPolitics Memeorandum Washington Post New York Times Wall Street Journal

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The one on the left says the one on the right did it. Our 32″ HDTV is dead. We put some new pictures on our Flickr site, check them out.

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LOL. (The theme of the day is…)

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I’ve installed a new blogging platform and will be changing over the next weeks and months. Check back often. In the meantime, Jodi has uploaded new pictures of Sammy and Charlie on our Flickr page.

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Microsoft released a new tool called Windows Live Writer that aims to make blogging easy. I’m testing it with this post. It supports many of the blog software packages (I use Moveable Type) and their own hosted service called Windows Live Spaces. Two of the barriers to a good blog is writing often (ahem) and having a […]

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UpNorth 017 Originally uploaded by The DeToffols. Flickr is a web service that allows you to setup a personal site to post pictures. It’s free, although you can subscribe to get additional features. We’ve posted a bunch of pictures so check it out. It would be fun if some friends and family also setup Flickr […]

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I’ve made numerous updates to First, a new graphic and layout for the front page. I’ve added picture gallery software which will enable me to easily upload batches of photos and keep them organized. Plus, it gives visitors some cool tools like printing on and viewing slideshows. Let me know what you think.

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This is my weblog, also known as a “blog” for short. I’m using a free version of MovableType blogging software. You can still get to my old blog entries from 2004 and 2003.

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