Category / Family

We have had a few challenging weeks. Charlie came down with a fever a week ago Thursday, February 8th. On Thursday night his temp got up over 104 degrees. At the doctor on Friday he was tested for influenza but came up negative. Charlie was not feeling well. He had a temperature for six days. […]

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I have been interested in collecting information about my family history (genealogy) for some time. Every few years I’ll come across the family tree my sister put together for a school project many years ago and it always sparks my interest in my family tree. I came across a new web site Geni that helps […]

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2_Samuel 075 Originally uploaded by The DeToffols. Jodi was at 41 weeks when we went to see our midwife on 11/27. She said the baby had turned so that his face was towards Jodi’s stomach, not the ideal position, and that’s what had probably stopped labor the previous Saturday. We agreed that we’d get induced on Friday […]

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Anybody reading this most likely knows Jodi is pregnant with our second child. Her due date was November 21st, so as of this writing she is a week late. Technically, if you go by the standard measurements using a women’s menstrual cycle, her due date should have been November 14th. Her cycle is not typical, and […]

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Google has a cool and controversial new service called Google Print. They have indexed entire libraries of books and made them searchable. When a search gets a hit, Google will display an excerpt of the book showing the searched word(s). For fun I typed in “DeToffol” to see if anything showed up. Much to my […]

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I was ready to leave the house for work at 7:20 AM on Monday morning. I bent over to zip up my computer bag and — WHAM — my back exploded with pain. I yelled, and continued to yell, as I went to my knees. “What’s wrong?” Jodi shouted from the other room. “MY BACK,” […]

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It is hard to grasp that a whole year has passed and that Charlie is going on two! We had a fun birthday party on Sunday September 25th with a great gathering of family. Charlie decided to take advantage of the gathering and show off by taking his first steps in front of the whole […]

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This last week has been a doozy. Jodi complained of a stomach ache as we hit the sack last Tuesday night. She woke up at midnight with severe stomach cramping, nausea, and sharp pain on her right side. We waited a bit to see if it calmed down, but it didn’t so we packed up […]

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