2_Samuel 075
Originally uploaded by The DeToffols.

Jodi was at 41 weeks when we went to see our midwife on 11/27. She said the baby had turned so that his face was towards Jodi’s stomach, not the ideal position, and that’s what had probably stopped labor the previous Saturday. We agreed that we’d get induced on Friday night if needed.

The next morning, Tuesday 11/28, Jodi woke me up at 7:00 AM saying that she had been having contractions and had called our doula. As she was telling me this her water broke. We quickly got everything together and headed to the hospital, as Jodi’s contractions were getting serious. It was raining and rush-hour, and Jodi’s Dad gave me a heads-up that the highway was backed up, so I took and alternate route and made it to the hospital in St. Paul in about twenty minutes. We arrived at the hospital at 7:55 AM. Jodi’s Mom Sue was there when we arrived and our doula Marla got through traffic and got there shortly after.

Luckily, the water birth tub was available, and Jodi was in active labor, so she was able to get in the tub at 9:00 AM. Jodi’s Dad Paul and his wife Anne came to the hospital to take Charlie home. But since labor was progressing so fast we asked them to stick around. Everything happened very fast, and at 9:52 AM Samuel Paul DeToffol was born! He weighed 9 lbs 4 ounces with ten fingers and ten toes. Jodi, Sam (and Charlie and Scott) are doing fine. More later.

Click on the photo to see more pictures of the newest DeToffol at our Flickr site.