… is a painfully funny web comic by David Rees that’s been running since just after 9/11/2001. Warning: adult language and themes.

Now there is a weekly animation of the comic:

Jill Bolte Taylor’s presentation at the TED 2008 conference is awe-inspirining. She relates her story of having a stroke, while being in the unique position to understand what was happening because she is a brain scientist.

If you haven’t discovered TED, please watch this video and then browse around the site for many other fantastic presentations about Technology, Entertainment and Design.

I really respect Neil Young as an artist and as someone who acts on his beliefs. This is an hour long conversation with Charlie Rose.


I haven’t seen it yet, but it from all the raving reviews, it looks like Pixar has extended their amazing streak of fantastic movies with WALL*E, opening today. Of course I really want to see it, and will as soon as possible. But I really want to bring Charlie (who turns 4 in September) and have this movie be his first theatrical experience. Jodi and I are struggling with this because he’s probably not ready. Charlie still gets bothered with shows and movies if the material is even a bit scary or if there is some confrontation. He’ll stomp his feet, clap his hands, get very flustered and yell “turn it off, turn it off!” as he runs away. And the very nature of seeing a movie in a theater, in unfamiliar surroundings, with other people, and the loudness – either he’d be stupefied into sitting through it, or it would overload his circuits and we wouldn’t get past the opening scene.

The Moog Guitar, from the guy (company) who brought us the Moog Synthesizer. This thing looks wicked. I know only a smidgen about guitars, so I can’t really appreciate this to the full extent. But these guys are stoked. Lou Reed — that’s a pretty good testimonial.

via Wired

Obama is clearly the more gifted orator. Maybe one of the best in a long time. What value is there in giving a good speech? I believe it is one of the most essential attributes we need in a modern President. It certainly is effective in rallying organizations, and his has been amazing. This video of Obama addressing his campaign staff in Chicago is exhibit number 10,356.

9:57 “Because we won, we now have no choice. We have to win.”

Mischke, a local AM talk radio host, gave a wonderful monologue this afternoon on how Obama’s historic moment last night is a real inspiration. I couldn’t agree more. Worth a listen.

James Fallows wrote about Mischke in The Atlantic in 2000:Mischke’s Moment – 00.09

I’m looking forward to reading this Vanity Fair article chronicling the birth of the Internet from the people that were there.

Another good read on the beginning of the Internet is Where Wizards Stay Up Late

via: Boing Boing