Google has a cool and controversial new service called Google Print. They have indexed entire libraries of books and made them searchable. When a search gets a hit, Google will display an excerpt of the book showing the searched word(s).
For fun I typed in “DeToffol” to see if anything showed up. Much to my surprise something did. My mom, Barb DeToffol, is in a book.
Bob Cary is a famous local Ely writer. He quotes Mom in a very short story about a Pioneer Press reporter writing about Ely’s long winters:
Barb DeToffol had just walked in the office. “If you think people have long faces up here, you’re wrong,” she said. “What we are doing on Shagawa Lake is this: We have all the resort people building big bonfires, and we are going to melt the ice off before the walleye opener.”
Very cool. Congrats Mom.