Weblog 2004
Rumsfeld takes some heat from within the NeoCon ranks |
Bill Kristol, arch conservative and member of the much maligned (by
liberals) neoconservatives, writes a scathing rebuke of fellow
neocon Donald Rumsfeld in the Washington post on 12/15/2004. Andrew
Sullivan mentioned this article on
his blog with the note
that conservatives said "they'd voice their real criticisms once the
election was over." Wow, thanks a bunch.The Defense Secretary
We Have
By William Kristol
Washington Post, Wednesday, December 15, 2004
"As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They're not
the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time." -- Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, in a town hall meeting with soldiers at
Camp Buehring in Kuwait, Dec. 8.
Actually, we have a pretty terrific Army. It's performed a lot
better in this war than the secretary of defense has. President Bush
has nonetheless decided to stick for now with the defense secretary
we have, perhaps because he doesn't want to make a change until
after the Jan. 30 Iraqi elections. But surely Don Rumsfeld is not
the defense secretary Bush should want to have for the remainder of
his second term.
Contrast the magnificent performance of our soldiers with the
arrogant buck-passing of Rumsfeld. Begin with the rest of his answer
to Spec. Thomas Wilson of the Tennessee Army National Guard:
"Since the Iraq conflict began, the Army has been pressing ahead
to produce the armor necessary at a rate that they believe -- it's a
greatly expanded rate from what existed previously, but a rate that
they believe is the rate that is all that can be accomplished at
this moment. I can assure you that General Schoomaker and the
leadership in the Army and certainly General Whitcomb are sensitive
to the fact that not every vehicle has the degree of armor that
would be desirable for it to have, but that they're working at it at
a good clip."
So the Army is in charge. "They" are working at it. Rumsfeld? He
happens to hang out in the same building: "I've talked a great deal
about this with a team of people who've been working on it hard at
the Pentagon. . . . And that is what the Army has been working on."
Not "that is what we have been working on." Rather, "that is what
the Army has been working on." The buck stops with the Army.
At least the topic of those conversations in the Pentagon isn't
boring. Indeed, Rumsfeld assured the troops who have been cobbling
together their own armor, "It's interesting." In fact, "if you think
about it, you can have all the armor in the world on a tank and a
tank can be blown up. And you can have an up-armored humvee and it
can be blown up." Good point. Why have armor at all? Incidentally,
can you imagine if John Kerry had made such a statement a couple of
months ago? It would have been (rightly) a topic of scorn and
derision among my fellow conservatives, and not just among
Perhaps Rumsfeld simply had a bad day. But then, what about his
statement earlier last week, when asked about troop levels? "The big
debate about the number of troops is one of those things that's
really out of my control." Really? Well, "the number of troops we
had for the invasion was the number of troops that General Franks
and General Abizaid wanted."
Leave aside the fact that the issue is not "the number of troops
we had for the invasion" but rather the number of troops we have had
for postwar stabilization. Leave aside the fact that Gen. Tommy
Franks had projected that he would need a quarter-million troops on
the ground for that task -- and that his civilian superiors had
mistakenly promised him that tens of thousands of international
troops would be available. Leave aside the fact that Rumsfeld has
only grudgingly and belatedly been willing to adjust even a little
bit to realities on the ground since April 2003. And leave aside the
fact that if our generals have been under pressure not to request
more troops in Iraq for fear of stretching the military too thin,
this is a consequence of Rumsfeld's refusal to increase the size of
the military after Sept. 11.
In any case, decisions on troop levels in the American system of
government are not made by any general or set of generals but by the
civilian leadership of the war effort. Rumsfeld acknowledged this
last week, after a fashion: "I mean, everyone likes to assign
responsibility to the top person and I guess that's fine." Except he
fails to take responsibility.
All defense secretaries in wartime have, needless to say, made
misjudgments. Some have stubbornly persisted in their misjudgments.
But have any so breezily dodged responsibility and so glibly passed
the buck?
In Sunday's New York Times, John F. Burns quoted from the weekly
letter to the families of his troops by Lt. Col. Mark A. Smith, an
Indiana state trooper who now commands the 2nd Battalion, 24th
Marine Expeditionary Unit, stationed just south of Baghdad:
"Ask yourself, how in a land of extremes, during times of
insanity, constantly barraged by violence, and living in conditions
comparable to the stone ages, your marines can maintain their
positive attitude, their high spirit, and their abundance of
compassion?" Col. Smith's answer: "They defend a nation unique in
all of history: One of principle, not personality; one of the rule
of law, not landed gentry; one where rights matter, not privilege or
religion or color or creed. . . . They are United States Marines,
representing all that is best in soldierly virtues."
These soldiers deserve a better defense secretary than the one we
The writer is editor of the Weekly Standard.
Without a Doubt |
Ron Suskind
writes in the NYT Magazine about Bush's certainty and how it
affects his decisions. |
How the New York Times, and America, was Duped on WMD |
The New York Times has a long tradition as America's leading
newspaper and is known for journalistic excellence. The
editors of the NYT have
recently revealed that, concerning their reporting leading up to
the Iraq war, they "have found a number of instances of coverage
that was not as rigorous as it should have been." They
numerous examples of "Iraqi informants, defectors and exiles"
providing misleading information about WMD and other dangers.
Slate.com reports that much of this reporting came from "Judith
Miller, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and authority on the
Middle East." One of Miller's primary sources was
Chalabi, formerly the Bush Administration's favorite pet exile.
Miller would source administration officials as corroborators of the
Chalabi's intelligence, who just happened to be the administration's
source as well. This is a bad sign. We need an independent and
skeptical press to balance the government's propaganda. |
Is Soy Bad for You? |
The wonderful, edible, high-protein, low fat, cheap, non-animal and
ubiquitous soy bean is apparently not as healthful as the
big agro
companies would like us to believe.
Recent research that
is getting very little mainstream press warns that eating soy, at
the level that most Americans are consuming it, can be very
detrimental to men, women and children. Soy has been linked to
shrinking brains,
male breasts,
lower libido and
formulas for infants are especially dangerous. Soy
contains isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen
and have been shown to promote early puberty in girls and late
maturation in boys. I first heard about this in
Mothering Magazine. |
The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism |
Many of
these points can be argued against, but the overwhelming
evidence leads me to believe that the Bush Administration has
purposely misled the world, and that this has done America great
harm. IMHO. |
A Universe Hacked |
Probably the most asked question in human history is: Why are we
here? The natural follow-up question is: How are we
here? I don't think these questions are fully answerable, but
it sure is fun supposing. Maybe our
universe was created in a
lab by a physicist hacker. A famous Stanford physicist,
Andrei Linde, (who
came up with the chaotic inflation theory of the Big Bang that was
later supported by
pictures of
the Big Bang), says it is theoretically possible to create a
universe in a laboratory with a minute piece of matter. Furthermore,
he thinks that it is possible for the "creator" to pre-determine
certain physical characteristics of his creation, thereby building
into the very nature of the new universe creationary clues for the
inhabitants to discover. Our own universe has weird properties, spooky
anthropic coincidences, that seem necessary to allow for carbon
and other essential elements of life as we know it. Careful,
there is a huge logical leap from these necessities of carbon-based
life to proof of intelligent creation (a jump many are
willing to take). Maybe our universe is just a beta
version. How else do you account for male nipples?
Gray Zone |
controversial article by SEYMOUR M. HERSH in the New Yorker on "How
a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib" and influenced the way
Iraqi prisoners where interrogated. |
Dancing Alone |
May 13, 2004
It is time to ask this question: Do we
have any chance of succeeding at regime change in Iraq
without regime change here at home?
"Hey, Friedman, why are you bringing
politics into this all of a sudden? You're the guy who
always said that producing a decent outcome in Iraq was of
such overriding importance to the country that it had to be
kept above politics."
Yes, that's true. I still believe that. My
mistake was thinking that the Bush team believed it, too. I
thought the administration would have to do the right things
in Iraq — from prewar planning and putting in enough troops
to dismissing the secretary of defense for incompetence —
because surely this was the most important thing for the
president and the country. But I was wrong. There is
something even more important to the Bush crowd than getting
Iraq right, and that's getting re-elected and staying loyal
to the conservative base to do so. It has always been more
important for the Bush folks to defeat liberals at home than
Baathists abroad. That's why they spent more time studying
U.S. polls than Iraqi history. That is why, I'll bet, Karl
Rove has had more sway over this war than Assistant
Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Bill Burns. Mr.
Burns knew only what would play in the Middle East. Mr. Rove
knew what would play in the Middle West.
I admit, I'm a little slow. Because I
tried to think about something as deadly serious as Iraq,
and the post- 9/11 world, in a nonpartisan fashion — as Joe
Biden, John McCain and Dick Lugar did — I assumed the Bush
officials were doing the same. I was wrong. They were always
so slow to change course because confronting their mistakes
didn't just involve confronting reality, but their own
Why, in the face of rampant looting in the
war's aftermath, which dug us into such a deep and costly
hole, wouldn't Mr. Rumsfeld put more troops into Iraq?
Politics. First of all, Rummy wanted to crush once and for
all the Powell doctrine, which says you fight a war like
this only with overwhelming force. I know this is hard to
believe, but the Pentagon crew hated Colin Powell, and
wanted to see him humiliated 10 times more than Saddam.
Second, Rummy wanted to prove to all those U.S. generals
whose Army he was intent on downsizing that a small, mobile,
high-tech force was all you needed today to take over a
country. Third, the White House always knew this was a war
of choice — its choice — so it made sure that average
Americans never had to pay any price or bear any burden.
Thus, it couldn't call up too many reservists, let alone
have a draft. Yes, there was a contradiction between the
Bush war on taxes and the Bush war on terrorism. But it was
resolved: the Bush team decided to lower taxes rather than
raise troop levels.
Why, in the face of the Abu Ghraib
travesty, wouldn't the administration make some uniquely
American gesture? Because these folks have no clue how to
export hope. They would never think of saying, "Let's close
this prison immediately and reopen it in a month as the Abu
Ghraib Technical College for Computer Training — with all
the equipment donated by Dell, H.P. and Microsoft." Why
didn't the administration ever use 9/11 as a spur to launch
a Manhattan project for energy independence and
conservation, so we could break out of our addiction to
crude oil, slowly disengage from this region and speak truth
to fundamentalist regimes, such as Saudi Arabia? (Addicts
never tell the truth to their pushers.) Because that might
have required a gas tax or a confrontation with the
administration's oil moneymen. Why did the administration
always — rightly — bash Yasir Arafat, but never lift a
finger or utter a word to stop Ariel Sharon's massive
building of illegal settlements in the West Bank? Because
while that might have earned America credibility in the
Middle East, it might have cost the Bush campaign Jewish
votes in Florida.
And, of course, why did the president
praise Mr. Rumsfeld rather than fire him? Because Karl Rove
says to hold the conservative base, you must always appear
to be strong, decisive and loyal. It is more important that
the president appear to be true to his team than that
America appear to be true to its principles. (Here's the new
Rummy Defense: "I am accountable. But the little guys were
responsible. I was just giving orders.")
Add it all up, and you see how we got so
off track in Iraq, why we are dancing alone in the world —
and why our president, who has a strong moral vision, has no
moral influence. |
Blind Into Baghdad |
James Fallows
writes in the Atlantic Monthly about the government's
preparations for the war in Iraq, especially concerning the plans
for post-Sadam occupation. The Bush administration's
insistence that the war and "liberation" of Iraq would be quick and
cheap, ignoring history and the advise of nearly every knowledgeable
person outside the administration, affected preparations for the
aftermath. |
King Karl |
Ron Suskind, author of
"The Price of Loyalty, George W. Bush, the
White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill,"
wrote an article for Esquire magazine in January 2003 about the
Bush administration's penchant for politics and aversion of policy,
with chief political advisor Karl Rove as ring leader. Suskind sources John Dilulio, former Bush appointee and head
of the
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, the
first in a growing line of former Bush staffers to publicly
criticize the W administration."There is no
precedent in any modern White House for what is going on in this
one: a complete lack of a policy apparatus," says DiIulio. "What
you’ve got is everything—and I mean everything—being run by the
political arm. It’s the reign of the Mayberry Machiavellis."
Nation Under Christianity |
The Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of Elk Grove Unified
School District v. Newdow, No. 02-1624, in which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled in favor of Newdow.
Michael Newdow, an atheist, sued to protect his daughter from having to
recite the Pledge of Allegiance in her public school. In 1954,
in the heat of the Cold War, Congress unanimously added the phrase
"under God" to the Pledge in reaction to "godless communism."
Newdow contends that this phrase violates his rights because the
government is telling his daughter that his beliefs are wrong.In my mind, the phrase "under God" clearly a
violates of the First Amendment's guarantee that "Congress shall
make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Under
God is, in effect, state sponsorship of religion and of a particular
religion. Pledging one's allegiance is not a meaningless exercise of
ceremony, it
matters, especially to kids who are extremely impressionable.
George H. W. Bush (the first) was staunchly
anti-atheist, going so far as claiming that atheists should not
be considered citizens or patriots, using the Pledge's "under God"
statement as justification for religious bigotry. |
Liquid Water
on Mars? |
The goal of the Mars Rover program is to find
evidence that Mars once had liquid water. JPL
yesterday that the circumstantial evidence is strong that water
did, in fact, flow across the surface. This has large
implications including the strong possibility that Mars had a
significant atmosphere and that life might have flourished on our
planetary cousin. |
The Lie Factory |
By Robert Dreyfuss and Jason VestOnly weeks after 9/11, the Bush administration set
up a secret Pentagon unit to create the case for invading Iraq. Here
is the inside story of how they pushed disinformation and bogus
intelligence and led the nation to war.
Read the article
here |
Budgets of Mass Destruction |
COLUMNIST, New York Times
February 1, 2004
should be clear to all by now that what we have in the Bush
team is a faith-based administration. It launched a
faith-based war in Iraq, on the basis of faith-based
intelligence, with a faith-based plan for Iraqi
reconstruction, supported by faith-based tax cuts to
generate faith-based revenues. This group believes that what
matters in politics and economics are conviction and will —
not facts, social science or history.
Personally, I don't believe the Bush team
will pay a long-term political price for its faith-based
intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Too
many Americans, including me, believe in their guts that
removing Saddam was the right thing to do, even if the W.M.D.
intel was wrong.
The Bush team's real vulnerability is its
B.M.D. — Budgets of Mass Destruction, which have recklessly
imperiled the nation's future, with crazy tax-cutting and
out-of-control spending. The latest report from the
Congressional Budget Office says the deficit is expected to
total some $2.4 trillion over the next decade — almost $1
trillion more than the prediction of just five months ago.
That is a failure of intelligence and common sense that
threatens to make us all insecure — and people also feel
that in their guts.
As Peter Peterson, the former Nixon
commerce secretary and a longtime courageous advocate of
fiscal responsibility, puts it in "Running on Empty," his
forthcoming book: "In the 1980 election, Ronald Reagan
galvanized the American electorate with that famous riff: `I
want to ask every American: Are you better off now than you
were four years ago?' Perhaps some future-oriented
presidential candidate should rephrase this line as follows:
`I want to ask every American, young people especially: Is
your future better off now than it was four years ago — now
that you are saddled with these large new liabilities and
the higher taxes that must eventually accompany them?' "
While in his book Mr. Peterson equally
indicts Democrats and Republicans as co-conspirators in the
fiscal follies of our times, the Democrats should still
follow his lead and make this their campaign mantra: "Is
your future better off now than it was four years ago?"
That's what's on people's minds. It should be coupled with
the bumper sticker: "Read My Lips: No New Services. Bush
Gave All the Money Away." And it should be backed up with a
responsible Democratic alternative on both taxes and
That is the only way to expose what the
shameful coalition of Karl Rove-led cynics, who care only
about winning the next election; voodoo economists preaching
supply-side economics; and libertarian nuts who think that
by cutting tax revenues you'll shrink the government — when
all you do is balloon the deficit — is doing to our future.
And please don't tell me the tax cuts are working. Of course
they're working! If you put this much stimulus into our
economy — three tax cuts, loose monetary policy and
out-of-control spending — it will produce a boom. Eat 10
chocolate bars at once and you'll also get a rush. But at
what long-term cost?
"Quite simply," argues Mr. Peterson,
"those bell-bottomed young boomers of the 1960's have fully
matured. The oldest of them, born in 1946, are only six
years away from the median age of retirement on Social
Security (63). As a result, our large pension and health
care benefit programs will soon experience rapidly
accelerating benefit outlays. . . . Thus, at a time when the
federal government should be building up surpluses to
prepare for the aging of the baby boom generation, it is
engaged in another reckless experiment with large and
permanent tax cuts. America cannot grow its way out of the
kinds of long-term deficits we now face. . . . The odds are
growing that today's ballooning trade and fiscal deficits,
the so-called twin deficits, will someday trigger an
explosion that causes the economy to sink — not rise."
The same Bush folks who assured us Saddam
had W.M.D. now assure us these budgets of mass destruction
don't matter. Sure. "During the Vietnam War," notes Mr.
Peterson, "conservatives relentlessly pilloried Lyndon
Johnson for his fiscal irresponsibility. But he only wanted
guns and butter. Today, so-called conservatives are
out-pandering L.B.J. They must have it all: guns, butter and
tax cuts."
This is so irresponsible and it will end
in tears. Remember, says Mr. Peterson, long-term tax cuts
without long-term spending cuts are not tax cuts. They are
"tax deferrals" — with the burden to be borne by your future
or your kid's future.
If this isn't the election issue, I don't
know what is. |
Rover is man's best friend
Mars Exploration Rover Mission is just too cool! PBS's
Nova had a great show this month called
Mars Dead or Alive
that details
efforts to get the rovers made and launched in time. Mars and
Earth are closest every 26 months and it was essential that the
rover get launched to meet the window. Hopefully Spirit's twin
rover Opportunity will survive its arrival on January 24. Now
we waiting to hear President's Bush's announcement about a potential
Mars/Moon program. I hope his announcement has more effect
than his father's plan back in 1989 that we'd put humans on Mars by
2019. |
entries from 2003